
Basic version is available free of charge and extended version on request

Free No fees Enterprise Price on Request


Monitoring interval 5 minutes 60 seconds
HTTPs/Ping/Port monitors 1
Heartbeat monitors 1
Domain and SSL expiration monitors 1
Ability to select a location for monitoring
Customizing request method (get, post, head, options, put, patch)
Monitors & heartbeats logs retention 1 months 12 months

Notification handlers

Email notification 1
Slack, Discord, Telegram notification
Webhook notification

Status pages

Status pages 1
Custom design (CSS, JS)
Own custom domain
Whitelabeld status page
Ability to block search engines
Password protection
Analytics for status pages
Status pages statistics retention 12 months


Two-Factor authentication
Ability to create teams
API Access
Monthly email reports for each monitor
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